Friday, June 17, 2011


y got people like dis d?! keep asking thing tat i dun noe n x true!!thing tat was fact n true from my mouth u x trust! i x noe how ur guys think n wat ur head n brain fill wif?! i respect u as my aunty but x exceed d line!!!!! i oso got my limit!!!!when me loud a bit den u say me x respect u!! y so stubborn??!! if u x understand den shuttttttttt uppppppppppp!!!! y so irritating?!! keep n keep n keep n keep n keep asking?! if ask thing tat exist n true den is ok! but dis x!! oso if ask nia oso x prob d!! noe me d people oso noe me 没有什么脾气...but thing tat relate to my name n u 1 slip on me wif thing tat x true!! wif dis nia is oready enough!! enough to trigger my anger!!! memory on form 3 make me so sensitive on dis matter!!!! so x over cross it!!! shit!!!!!!!!!! x make me not respect u as my aunty!!!! x make me  look down on u!!! who r u?!! u r shit!!! con head!!! piece of jerk!!!!!!